Trust Bicar®Z
Why use Bicar®Z?
Intensive rearing systems allow a high growth rate of animals in a relatively short time, at the same time they can promote stress conditions that alter the correct level of acidity. Bicar®Z restores the correct level of acidity. This applies to beef cattle breeding but also to dairy cows, poultry, pigs and shrimp farming.
Feeding beef cattle
In beef cattle breeding, growth is achieved with high concentrate diets in which hay is a relatively marginal ingredient.
This type of feeding can promote acidosis, but this can be kept under control with the use of sodium bicarbonate supplement. Bicar®Z is a feed buffer and a chlorine-free source of sodium that, when taken regularly and in the right dosage, counteracts acidosis and improves the welfare and productivity of livestock.
Bicar®Z for dairy cows
The rumen of dairy cows is home to an extremely heterogeneous microbial population that in nature maintains its balance thanks to the diversity of pasture. Today it is the nutritionist who has to maintain this balance by counteracting the various factors that can cause ruminal acidosis. In this case, the intake of Bicar®Z in the right dosage can improve animal welfare and promote milk production.
Acidosis in poultry, pig and shrimp farming
Also in the case of these farms, the feed and environmental conditions must be adequately balanced to avoid acid-based imbalances.
When this balance is disturbed, the use of Bicar®Z restores favorable conditions for animal welfare and productive growth.
Bicar®Z for ruminants
To be competitive in the rearing of dairy cows, fattening cattle, goats, sheep and lambs, it is important to provide your animals with energetic feed rations. Bicar®Z can bring balance to their nutrition, thereby improving their welfare and optimizing your production.
Bicar®Z for poultry
Poultry and eggs are highly consumed products, prompting you to produce more for the same cost. BicarⓇZ, thanks to the alkalising effect of sodium bicarbonate, allows for stronger eggshells, and promotes the proper electrolyte balance to improve feed efficiency and limit health risks related to acid-based imbalances.
Bicar®Z for swine
By improving the growth of pigs and the quality of their meat, Bicar®Z enables farmers to invest efficiently by optimizing feeding. Bicar®Z promotes an increase in muscle content and decreases fat thickness. Furthermore, pigs are sensitive to high temperatures, which often generate heat stress and reduce performance. Bicar®Z prevents acidosis and heat stress in pigs.
BicarⓇZ for shrimps
Shrimp farming is a practice that has expanded greatly over the years. In breeding ponds, it is necessary to constantly monitor the alkalinity of the water, i.e. its ability to neutralize acids, which is very important for shrimp growth. The addition of Bicar®Z as a buffer restores an ideal pH for shrimp growth and health.